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Portrait / & colors  ( 2019 / Hyogo )

Megumi Iwasaki 

“秋山に 霜降り覆ひ 木の葉散り 年は行くとも 我れ忘れめや”
――― 柿本人麻呂≪万葉集≫


The poem by KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro was collected in the "Manyo-shu" (an ancient anthology of Japanese poems).

“I will not forget you even though the year pass, the autumn mountains were covered with frost and the leaves had fallen.”

I visited Kakogawa city with her who was wearing her grandmother's red coat.
The leaves begin to color in Hioka-mountain, we saw that town from the observatory deck.

I really found her loving eyes.

Photo:IWASAKI Megumi

Model:MATSUNO Ayaka

Location:Kakogawa city, Hyogo, Japan




Photo:岩﨑 恵 

Model:松野 朱花


​2019年<How are you PHOTOGRAPHY?展>


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